Divine Destiny 1:1 Membership
The Divine Destiny 1:1 3 month Membership process
It all begins with a free discovery call so we can see if our energy aligns in a way that feels right and comfortable. If we decide to work together here’s what I commit to:
2 x 30 minute 1:1 coaching calls with me via zoom every week
These sessions are relaxed but super focussed and will leave you feeling totally buzzed and unstoppable.
Pdf workbooks, activities, meditations, mindset & spiritual tools
These are yours for life. They cement what you are learning in the coaching calls and healing sessions, develop momentum and help you transform your mindset and your energy.
Weekly healing/activation/energy release/channelled reading sessions (dependent on your bespoke needs)
These sessions will delve into your unconscious mind and energy to identify the root cause memory of your energy blocks. We will heal and release the blocks from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. We will release any energetic attachments in your field, detox your energy and clear and heal any past life interference and generational imprints that are preventing you from stepping into your soul purpose.
I will support you to neutralise your ego mind so that you can move beyond its constant need to keep you from stepping out of your comfort zone, help you to form a strong connection with your Higher Self and activate your spiritual gifts so that you have strong and consistent guidance from the highest and best version of you as well as your spirit team..
Access to me via Voxer/WhatsApp throughout
Let’s face it, life will happen in between coaching calls so I’ll be there to motivate you, support you, guide you and cheer you on!
An open mind
Be open and willing to consider new concepts and information
Flexible mindset
You’ll need a readiness to ditch the mindset that has so far not got you where you want to be
Readiness to change
If you want a different outcome, you must be willing to do things differently
This is a life changing process.
There will be huge AHA moments, excitement, tears, joy, revelations, healing, frustrations, and incredible rewards.
Downloadable manifestation journal
Digital guided meditation album
Lifetime access to my online Manifestation course
Here’s how your life will look after we work together:
You’ll feel fulfilled, motivated and passionate about your life. You will be clear on your purpose and feel confident in going after what you want. You’ll understand how the Universe works in your favour and you’ll harness your intuition and inner guidance to move always towards joy, fulfillment and abundance. You’ll be clear on your soul purpose and have a strong connection with your authentic self and your spirit team. Your thoughts and feelings will be in alignment with your desires. You will feel empowered to be, do and have whatever you want!
You will start to use your newly activated spiritual gifts to navigate your new sense of purpose. You will be a magnet for what you desire. Most importantly of all, you will fall in love with you!
£555 per month for 3 months
Book discovery call