Release and Rise Up
The Release & Rise Up Process
It all begins with a free 20 minute discovery call so that we can see if our energy aligns in a way that feels right and comfortable and we can start to get an idea about where your energy blocks might be. If we decide to work together, here’s what I commit to:
1 x 90 minute Activation Session (either via zoom or in person)
This is a hugely powerful session during which I will guide you into a hypnosis to identify the root cause memory of your block (this may be from this life, a past life or generational). We will heal the block and clear the energy chords from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. We’ll re-frame the meaning you attached to the event, meet and integrate with your higher self and begin to manifest the future you desire.
3 x spiritual coaching sessions
During these sessions I will support and guide you in navigating your new activated reality, call in your desires and embrace your spiritual gifts. We will work to deepen your connection to your higher self even further.
Powerful aftercare programme
This workbook and the meditations are yours for life. They will further embed your ability to create the life you came here for.
A feeling that there must be more to life and a readiness to find it!
This process will open you up to a whole new world.
A desire to release your old limiting beliefs about yourself and life
We replace the beliefs that have kept you stuck with beliefs that serve you better.
A desire to connect with the authentic you
You will discover your purpose and who you are at soul level.
A desire to take your life, business or career to the next level
You’ll be clear on what you want and become a magnet for it.
A desire to release physical and emotional restrictions to ease pain, stress, low mood
You will need a willingness to let go of experiences and energy that your body is holding onto. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know how. Leave that to me and your body’s natural healing ability.
This is a life changing process
There will be AHA moments, excitement, tears, joy, frustrations and rewards.
Here’s how your life will look after we work together:
You’ll feel motivated and passionate about your life. You’ll have clarity like never before. You’ll be connected to your Higher Self. You’ll understand what was holding you back and you’ll step into your incredible power to create the life you desire and feel truly fulfilled.
You will be activated!
Book discovery call